Let's make Christmas meaningful for Kids
Holiday season is fast approaching! It brings with it the anticipation of a few weeks of merry memory making. But when it comes to kids how can you make it more about the feeling and less about the stuff?
Here are some tips to make the holidays meaningful for your kids:
Find holiday events to attend together. Check out the holiday-themed concerts, plays, parades, shows and other events happening in your community and choose a few to attend as a family. Take a regular weeknight dinner and turn it into a magical holiday meal by dimming the lights, lighting candles on the table and playing holiday music in the background.
Make meaningful conversation. Conversations are often the most special part of memorable event. To make the most of outings and experiences this holiday season, have a few solid topics up your sleeve to engage your family. As you drive around the neighborhood looking at Christmas lights, maybe ask your kids about their favorite Christmas memories or what they’re grateful for in their lives.
Dress up! It’s amazing how getting all dolled up can take an event from “meh” to memorable. If you frame your holiday outings as opportunities instead of as obligations, your kids may not mind putting on their fancy duds — and they’ll definitely remember the fact that you thought that they were mature enough to attend such a special event.
Make something out of nothing. A meaningful holiday experience doesn’t have to cost a ton, and it doesn’t have to be a once-in-a-lifetime event. In fact, your family can make routine holiday tasks into beloved traditions. For example, get everyone together to wrap gifts for friends and family, and share hot chocolate and cookies while you’re curling ribbon and cutting paper. Or let everyone climb into special holiday pajamas and pile into the car to look at the beautiful holiday lights in your town.
Live in the moment. It’s easy to get caught up in the hoopla of the holidays and forget to take a step back and just savor the special moments. There’s so much to be done, but focusing on it all instead of what you’re doing at the moment can suck a lot of joy out of the season. Reveling in the now and accepting the (minor) flaws that might come along allows you to truly experience the benefits of living in the present. Those moments with family and friends will be that much sweeter.
Best wishes for a festive and meaningful holiday season!